Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated

Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter
Spartanburg, SC #SpartanburgZetas
Zeta Amicae
"Friends of Zeta"

Zeta Amicae are women who have not obtained a college degree and who are interested in community service. Zeta Amicae are creative, energetic, self-motivated and strive to support Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. As early as 1940, graduate chapters of Zeta Phi Beta began to realize the importance of the prestige, good will and cooperation of women who, for various reasons, were not members of any Greek-letter organization. Under the administration of Soror Lullelia Harrison, the first Amicae chapter was organized in Omaha, Nebraska in 1947 making Zeta the first sorority in the National Pan-Hellenic Council to organize an auxiliary group. In 1948, at the National Convention, Zeta Amicae was established as an auxiliary of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. The name Amicae means Friends in Latin. The first charter was given to Lambda Zeta Chapter of Houston, Texas. Zeta Amicae are affiliated through local chapters.
Colors: Sky Blue and Royal Blue
Amicae Flower: White Carnation
Symbol: White Dove
Motto: To Serve
The official pin is the collapsed hand covered by the letter Z.
History of ZetaAmicae of Spartanburg
Zeta Amicae of Spartanburg was organized on June 6, 1982 and chartered the same year under the leadership of the late Laura Samuels Thompson. Thompson was the Basileus of Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter and a former South Carolina Amicae Coordinator. Charter officers were:
Mamie Templeton, President
EleanorWoodward, Vice President
Velma Fowler, Secretary
Barbara K. Griffin, Treasurer
Margaret Richardson, Chaplain.
Other charter members were Naomi Robinson, Ruth Mills, Janie Sally,
Dorothy Black and Eloise Fuller. Thompson set high standards for the Spartanburg Zeta Amicae Auxiliary, and they continue to meet the standard.
The Spartanburg Zeta Amicae Auxiliary sponsors many programs and fundraisers with the assurance of 100%
participation from Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter. The auxiliary has been an active part in the Statewide Founders Day Programs. In 1998, they were honored for having the highest attendance. They have also won the state’s Queen Contest several times. Amicae attended and participated in regional meetings and had two members attend the 78th Boule in Atlanta. Each year, the Spartanburg Amicae sponsors a scholarship for deserving students from one of the nine high schools in Spartanburg County. They have also visited and presented gifts to residents of a local nursing home.
​Achievements of the Spartanburg Amicae include:
Scrap Book Award, 1982
Southeastern Region Display Awards,1982
Southeastern Region Barbara K. Griffin was crowned State Queen, March 1988
Naomi J. Robinson was crowned State Queen March 1990
Pearlene Goode was crowned State, March 1994
Adopted Winn’s Nursing Home, Spartanburg, South Carolina
Scholarships to three local high school graduates (one to Dorman; two to Spartanburg; and one to Chapman High in Inman, SC
Hosted the South Carolina State Luncheon, October 30, 1993 at Mt. Sinai. The speaker was Friend Anna Miller.
Amica Wanda Washington
President of Zeta Amicae of Spartanburg

Greetings on behalf of the Zeta Amicae of Spartanburg! I am Amica Wanda Washington, President of the Zeta Amicae of Spartanburg Affiliates. I was honored to become a Zeta Amicae on November 6, 2022. I attended the 2023 South Carolina State Leadership Conference as the Vice President of Zeta Amicae of Spartanburg. I was elected President on July 16, 2023.
I was also appointed to the South Carolina State Zeta Amicae ByLaws Committee.
I am a graduate of Spartanburg Citizen Academy with both the city and county. I love serving my community, and I love Zeta Amicae and the women who I serve with.
Friends Always,
Amica Wanda Washington, President
Zeta Amicae of Spartanburg, SC