Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated

Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter
Spartanburg, SC #SpartanburgZetas
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated
is constitutionally bound to:
The Lover's Stroll...A Legacy Begins

Graphic by Bro. Alex Dorsey

Charles Robert Samuel Taylor, a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., which was founded on Howard University's campus on January 9, 1914, envisioned a sister organization that would give life and inspiration to his fraternity. He is quoted as finding the embodiment of that inspiration in his sweetheart, Arizona L. Cleaver, also a student at Howard. It was on one evening in 1919, that Charles took Arizona for a walk along the reservoir, sharing with her, his desire of a sister organization of "finer and stronger women that would make all men proud." Arizona, excited with the prospect, shared the vision- with her best friend, Pearl Anna Neal, and along with three more intelligent, enthusiastic and earnest women, built a legacy...a nation...a sisterhood. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Founder A. Langston Taylor worked with Charles to solicit support among the men of Sigma throughout the country. On Friday, January 16, 1920, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority-Alpha Chapter- was officially organized on the campus of Howard University. The organizing members wrote the Sigma-Zeta link into the Zeta Constitution: "We a group of college women organized as a sister group to Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, do hereby bind ourselves together for the purpose of..." making it the ONLY constitutionally bound brother and sister Black Greek-Letter Organization. After graduation, although Charles lived in Kentucky and Arizona returned to her hometown, Hannibal, Missouri for some years before settling down in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, they maintained a lifelong bond that had started with the founding of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Brother Charles Robert Samuel Taylor and Founder A. Langston Taylor of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. ignited an undeniable spark and Founders Arizona Clever, Pearl Neal, Myrtle Tyler, Viola Tyler and Fannie Pettie Watts fueled a legacy of, by their creation of, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated.
And it all began with...
Written by Mary Breaux Wright
24th International President of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Brief Overview
Founded January 9, 1914 on the Campus of Howard University in Washington DC by three young african-american male students: Honorable A. Langston Taylor, Honorable Leonard F. Morse, and Honorable Charles I. Brown.
The Founders wanted to organize a Greek letter fraternity that would truly exemplify the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service.
The Founders deeply wished to create an organization that viewed itself as “a part of” the general community rather than “apart from” the general community. They believed that each potential member should be judged by his own merits, rather than his family background or affluence…without regard to race, nationality, skin tone or texture of hair. They desired for their fraternity to exist as part of an even greater brotherhood which would be devoted to the “inclusive we” rather than the “exclusive we”.
Colors: Royal Blue and Pure White
Motto: Culture for Service and Service for Humanity
Principles: Brotherhood, Scholarship, and Service
"The People's Fraternity"
"A Fraternity of Firsts"
-First fraternity to have international presidents
-First and only Black Greek Lettered Fraternity to have one of its members on the face of a U.S. Coin: George Washington Carver; 1951 half-dollar.
-First fraternity to establish a chapter south of the State of Virginia before 1915.
-First fraternity to establish a youth auxiliary program (Sigma Beta Club).
-First fraternity to own and operate a credit union for its members.
-First fraternity to establish chapters within the continent of Africa.
-First fraternity to establish graduate/alumni membership.
-Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. not only supported the Million Man March, but was the only fraternity to sponsor the march at their international headquarters.
-The March on Washington was organized by Phi Beta Sigma member, A. Phillip Randolph.
-First and only fraternity to establish a CONSTITUTIONAL BOND with a Sorority (Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.)
And the list goes on....
Spartanburg, SC Graduate Chapter
Undergrad Chapter: Gamma Alpha Gamma Chapter (USC-Upstate)