Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated

Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter
Spartanburg, SC #SpartanburgZetas
Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter History
May 1, 1948
South Liberty Street Center
Spartanburg, SC

Early in 1948 Sorors Amos, Crump, Carter, Johnson, and Summers conceived the idea of a graduate Zeta Chapter in Spartanburg, South Carolina. This idea became a reality, and on May 1, 1948, Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated was organized at the recreation center on S. Liberty Steet by Soror Metella Maree, Southeastern Regional Director of Savannah, Georgia, who came and set up the chapter. Highlights of the chartering ceremony were a banquet with the Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated.
The following were inducted as charter members in what became the Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter, Soror Claiborne E. Carter served as the first Basileus (president):
Soror Claiborne E. Carter, President
Soror Althea A. Amos, 1st Vice President
Soror Lula Bell Abrams
Soror Harriet Miles
Soror Gertrude Crump, Phylacter
Soror Bertha Dale
Soror Austell Johnson
Soror Venezuela Gist King
Soror Harriet Miles
Soror Olivia Mitchell
Soror Grace Walker Phillips
Soror Leona Summers Johnson, Secretary
Soror Francis Strickland Thompson
Soror Lila Williams, Treasurer
Soror Agnes Hilderbrand Wilson
On October 3, 1998, Gamma Mu Zeta celebrated its 50th Anniversary at what is now C.C. Woodson Recreation Center, the very place where the chapter was chartered when it then bore the name South Liberty Street Center. Soror Dee Dawkins, Chapter President and Soror Scarlet Black, State Director presented the chapter with a 50th Founder's Day Plaque.